Wednesday, October 15, 2008

blog post 3 question 2

2. According to Joseph Heller, “The only freedom we really have is the freedom to say no.” Explain what you think he means by this statement; then debate its philosophical merits. Do you agree or disagree with him? Support your opinion with examples from historical and personal experience. For example, how does the above statement compare with the “just say no” catchphrase from the war against drugs?

Well, really I agree that saying no is a freedom and a way and sometimes its not. The reason i say yes is because its your choice to say either yes or no to drugs. Even though your friends may do drugs dont mean you have to do the same. Its your choice if you want to mess up your life are not.
I disagree with him we have more freedoms in our life then to say no. We have the freedom to speak, choose our religion, and many more. So i have to disagree with him on that one.

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